Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mackenzie > Fama Clamosa > Eilean Fraoich Nam Beann Àrd

Fama Clamosa Eilean Fraoich Nam Beann Àrd
Credits: Uilleam Dho'ill 'ic Choinnich
Appears On: Fama Clamosa
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "Eilean Fraoich" on Calum Alex MacMillan's album Tàladh Nan Cuantan

Lyrics: English Translation:
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Eilean fraoich, eilean fraoich Isle of heather, isle of heather
Eilean fraoich nam beann àrd Isle of heather of the high mountains
Far an d' fhuair mi m' àrach òg Where I was brought up when young
Eilean Leòdhais mo ghràidh My beloved Isle of Lewis
Far an robh mi làithean m' òig Where I was in my young days
Ruith gun bhròig dol don tràigh Running barefoot to the shore
'S mi ri streap gu nead an eòin And climbing to the bird's nest
Anns gach còs sam bi àl In every crevice where there is a brood
Thug mi greis de làithean m' òig I spent a while in my youth
Air a' mhòintich nam phàist On the moor as a child
'S mi ri tional nan laogh òg Herding the young calves
Is nam bò aig an tràth And the cattle at milking time
Far am faca mi an òigh Where I saw the maiden
Thuit mi òg oirr' an gràdh I fell in love with her when young
'S ann a chionn nach eil i beò It is because she is not alive
Rinn mi seòladh thar sàil That I sailed overseas