Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Flora MacNeil > Orain Floraidh > A' Bhean Iadach

Orain Floraidh A' Bhean Iadach
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Flora MacNeil
Appears On: Orain Floraidh
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "A Bhean Udaí Thall" on Altan's album Horse With A Heart
"Thig Am Bàta" on Eilidh Mackenzie's album Eideadh Na Sgeulachd

Lyrics: English Translation:
A bhean ud thall hug o Woman there hug o
Cois na tràghad hug o Beside the shore hug o
Sìn do chas dhomh haoiri horo Reach out your leg haoiri horo
Sìn do làmh dhomh hug o Reach out your hand hug o
Sìn do chas dhom hug o Reach out your leg hug o
Sìn do làmh dhomh hug o Reach out your hand hug o
Fiach an dèan mi haoiri horo See if I'm able haoiri horo
Buille snàmh dheth hug o To swim a stroke hug o
Fiach an dèan mi hug o See if I'm able hug o
Buille snàmh dheth hug o To swim a stroke hug o
Nach truagh leat fhèin haoiri horo Have you no pity haoiri horo
Bean ga bàthadh hug o? For a wife that's drowning hug o?
Nach truagh leat fhèin hug o Have you no pity hug o
Bean ga bàthadh hug o? For a wife that's drowning hug o?
Cha truagh cha truagh haoiri horo No pity haoiri horo
'S beag mo chàs dhith hug o I care nothing for her hug o
Cha truagh cha truagh hug o No pity hug o
'S beag mo chàs dhith hug o I care nothing for her hug o
Sann a bhios mi haoiri horo Tonight I will be haoiri horo
Nochd na'd àite hug o In your place hug o
Sann a bhios mi hug o Tonight I will be hug o
Nochd na'd àite hug o In your place hug o
Ann ud phlaideachan haoiri horo In your blankets haoiri horo
Mìne bàna hug o Soft and white hug o
Ann ud phlaideachan hug o In your blankets hug o
Mìne bàna hug o Soft and white hug o
Soraidh bhuam haoiri horo I bid farewell haoiri horo
Gu'm thriùir phàisdean hug o To my three children hug o
Soraidh bhuam hug o I bid farewell hug o
Gu'm thriùir phàisdean hug o To my three children hug o
Fear dhiu bliadhna haoiri horo One year old haoiri horo
'S fear a dhà dhiu hug o The other two years hug o
Fear dhiu bliadhna hug o One year old hug o
'S fear a dhà dhiu hug o The other two years hug o
'S fear eile dhiubh haoiri horo And the other haoiri horo
'N aois a thàlaidh hug o Still being suckled hug o
'S fear eile dhiubh hug o And the other hug o
'N aois a thàlaidh hug o Still being suckled hug o
Soraidh eile haoiri horo Another farewell haoiri horo
Gum' thriùir bhràithrean hug o To my three brothers hug o
Soraidh eile hug o Another farewell hug o
Gum' thriùir bhràithrean hug o To my three brothers hug o
Thig iad an seo haoiri horo They will come haoiri horo
Moch a-màireach hug o Tomorrow early hug o
Thig iad an seo hug o They will come hug o
Moch a-màireach hug o Tomorrow early hug o
'S gheibh iad mise haoiri horo And they will find me haoiri horo
Air mo bhàthadh hug o Drowned hug o
'S gheibh iad mise hug o And they will find me hug o
Air mo bhàthadh hug o Drowned hug o
Mo chuailein donn haoiri horo My brown hair haoiri horo
Feadh an t-sàile hug o In the salt sea hug o
Mo chuailein donn hug o My brown hair hug o
Feadh an t-sàile hug o In the salt sea hug o
'S mo bhainne chioch haoiri horo My breasts' milk haoiri horo
Feadh na làthaiche hug o On the seaweed hug o