Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Fiona Mackenzie > Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn! > Eilean Sgiathanach Nam Buadh

Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn! Eilean Sgiathanach Nam Buadh
Credits: N. Macdonald
Appears On: Seinn! O Ho Ro Seinn!
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath Bear my greetings to the north
Eilean Sgithanach nam buadh Isle of Skye of the virtues
'N t-Eilean sin dan tug mi luaidh That island which I loved
Ait' is bòidhche fo na neòil The most beautiful place under the clouds
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath Bear my greetings to the north
Ann an toiseach a'mhìos Mhàirt In the beginning of the month of May
Dh'fhàg mi eilean gorm mo ghràidh I left my beloved green island
Sneachd na thorran air an làr Snow in heaps on the ground
Dh'fhàg siud mo mhàthair fo leòn That left my mother sad
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath Bear my greetings to the north
Anns a'mhadainn mhoch Diluain Early on Monday morning
Bha sinn ciadan mil' bho Chluaidh She was hundreds of miles away from the Clyde
Fhuair na balaich na bha uath' The boys got what they wanted
Farsaingeachd a'chuain fo sròin The expanse of the seas under her prow
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath Bear my greetings to the north
B'fheàrr leam fhìn na mìle crùn I would rather than a thousand crowns
Mi bhith nochd air tìr san Dùn To be ashore in the Fort tonight
'S mi gun coisicheadh le sùnnd I would joyfully walk
Rathad ùr aig clann MhicLeòid The Clan Macleods' new road
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath Bear my greetings to the north
Eilean Sgithanach nam buadh Isle of Skye of the virtues
'N t-Eilean sin dan tug mi luaidh That island which I loved
Ait' is bòidhche fo na neòil The most beautiful place under the clouds
Thoir mo shoraidh dhan taobh tuath Bear my greetings to the north