Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Mairi MacInnes > Causeway > Tuireadh Mhic Criomain

Causeway Tuireadh Mhic Criomain
Credits: Traditional; arranged by Mairi MacInnes
Appears On: Causeway
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)
Other Versions: "MacCrimmon" on Alyth McCormack's album An Iomall

Lyrics: English Translation:
Dh' aidh cèo nan stùc mu aodann chuilinn The mist of the stacks is about the face of the Cuillinn
'Us sheinn a' bheinn-shith a torman mulaid And the fairy woman has sung her sad song
Gorm shuilean ciuin san Dun a' sileadh Gentle blues eyes in the fort are crying
O'n thriall thu bhuainn 's nach till thu tuille Since you left, and will never return
Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
Cha till, cha till, cha till Maccrimmain He will never return MacCrioman
An cogadh no sìth cha till Maccrimmain In war-time or peace he will never return
Le airgiod no ni cha till Maccrimmain With neither money nor possessions he will return
Cha till e gu bràth gu la na cruinne He will never return 'til judgement day
Tha osag nam beann gu fann ag imeachd The sigh of the hills is weakly departing
Gach sruthan 's gach allt gu mall le bruthach Each stream and brook go slowly down the hillside
Tha ealtainn nan speur feadh geugan dubhach The birds of the sky are sad in the branches
A caoidh gu'n d'fhalbh 's nach till thu tuille Lamenting that you left and will never more return
Cha chluinnear do cheòl san Dun mu fheasgar Your music will not be heard in Dunvegan in the evening
'Smac-talla nam mùr le muirn ga fhreagairt And the echo of the ramparts mourning in answer
Gach fleasgach us òigh, gun cheol gun bheadrach Each handsome man and maiden without music or merriment
O'n thriall thu bhuainn, 'snach till thu tuille Since you left us and never will return