Celtic Lyrics Corner > Artists & Groups > Arthur Cormack > Nuair Bha Mi Òg > An t-Aodann Ban

Nuair Bha Mi Òg An t-Aodann Ban
Credits: Calum MacFarlane
Appears On: Nuair Bha Mi Òg
Language: Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic)

Lyrics: English Translation:
Bho'n dh'fhàg mi'n tir 's am b'eaolach mi Since I left the land of my youth
Gur mór mo bhròn 's mo chaoidh Great is my sadness and yearning
Chan fhaic mo nis na cnocanan Now I never see the hillocks
Na sluichd agus na h-uilt The hollows or the pools
Gur fada bho mo chàirdean mi I am far from my friends
Ach 's làidir is 'nam chuimhn' Although I remember them well
'S na guthan chuireadh fàilt' orm And the voices which welcomed me
An dràsda mi cha chluinn Are now no longer heard
'S na cnocan àrda duatharrach The high shady hills
A shuathas anns na nèoil With their peaks in the clouds
Chan eil 's an tir nas bòidhch' na iad There is nothing more beautiful in the land
Le fraoch orra mar chleochd When they are cloaked in heather
'S gun dùn am bàs mo shùilean-sa Until death closes my eyes
'S nach fhaic 's nach cluinn mu'n còrr And I hear and see no more
Bi mi' uidh 's an Eilean Sgiathanach I will long for the Isle of Skye
A dh'àraich mi o m'òig Where I spent my youth
Nuair dhealras grian an t-shamhraidh When the summer sun shines
Air na bruthaichean as àill' On the beautiful banks
'S a chi thu fa's na flùraichhean And you see the flowers growing
As boidhche fo na nèoil The prettiest under the sun
Chan fhacas riamh leo' gàradair They have never seen a gardener
No làmh cha deach nan còir And no hand ever cultivated them
Ach 'fàs o bhuidhean nàduir But growing from the world of nature
Tha gach tom, gach lus, gach ròd Is every bush, flower and rose
Is fhada bho'n àite mi I am far from the place
'S an d'fhuair mi m' àrach og Where I was brought up
Is fhada bho'n a Ghàidhlig mi I am far from the Gaelic tongue
A bàrdachd is a cèol The poetry and the music
Cha chluinn mi bhith cuir fàilt' orm I am no longer welcomed
Le "Ciamar tha thu shèoid?" With the words "How are you, friend?"
'S gu bràth mi dhith cha dhi-chuimhnich And I will never forget my homeland
Gun caradh mi fo'n fhòd Until I lie in the grave
'S an t-Aodann Bàn cha'n fhàg mi e I cannot leave Edinbaine
Gun rann chur as a dheidh Without composing a verse in its honor
Tha móran dhe mo chàirdean ann Many of my friends are there
'S ann as a tha mi féin And I belong there myself
Tha ann an tàmh mo phàrantan It is there that my parents reside
A thog 's a leig mo chèis Who have guided my life's steps
'S cho fad 's a bhios ann àit aca And as long as they live there
Bi àit' agam dha'n teid There will be a welcome there for me